I haven't been riding pillion for very long, maybe 6 months or so and have had to learn the rules as we go by. When I first started, the instructions were 'sit close to me, legs tight, arms around my waist', sure dude, what else do you think I'm going to do, stand up on one leg and wave, of course I was going to hold on, damn tight, especially when I laid my eyes on his bike, although I pretended to be uber cool, my mind was screaming
'what the fuck is that thing, omg, shit shit shit..' So trying to keep my legs from shaking, I got my first instructions on how to securely put on my 'hood'
(that's what I call it) while being told to pay attention
(I could not help staring at the monster I was about to get on, was I crazy,I must be fucking certifiable!) as it was now my responsibility to be safe and he was not going to do it for me after this little demo
(what a gentleman).
I had on a borrowed hood as I had yet to get my own kit
(and it was early days, so spending all that money on what was at that time an explosive physical chemistry, was a tad premature), so on goes the hood as instructed. I motioned for him to help me with my jacket zip
(at that time I was thinking how bloody ridiculous, I can't even see my zip with this bloody thing on my head) and he shook his head, again my responsibility, christ all-fucking-mighty! By now I was thinking he was just taking the piss, standing there watching me struggle while silently pissing himself with laughter
(haha, who's not going down on you tonight brother, no, he's not really my brother).. So after stubbornly struggling, I eventually get myself together for the next demo, getting on that huge scary looking beast
(the bike, peeps, the bike..). Right, no problem, I think I can handle this one
(gawd, how am I going to balance myself? What if my arse hangs over the seat..?) So on he gets and revs the beast a few times
(is he doing that because he saw my legs shaking?) and now it's my turn and I'm thinking I had better do this like I was born to do it, he'll think I'm even hotter..
(girls are strange)
So, over and on and I can tell you that was not half friggen sexy, it felt quite hot if I'm to be honest, sitting there with your legs astride a vibrating piece of machinery.. er.. yes..um..now I get it ;) And off we go, hitting the highway and I feel slightly bad that I keep banging my hood against the back of his every 30 seconds or so
(I'm told this is common in a newbie pillion, but still..embarrassing!) but he told me, close and tight which is why I couldn't understand when put his arm behind him and stuck his hand between my crotch
(dude, put your hand back on that thingy you're meant to be holding up front there!!), that first time is always like, what the fuck are you doing?? I'm sure he thought it was a laugh, I however was not laughing.
(not that first time, but now I kinda look forward to it..) I won't bore you with the ride but to just say that it was exhilarating, exciting and the most awesome feeling, first off and I'm hooked like a cheap one night stand that starts stalking you :) Now the poor man is probably wondering what he got himself into...
Honey R (and still lovin' every minute of it)
He did take me to some biker bush bar for the w/e where I ended up having a blast, left my ass print on a kitchen table and got chowed by bed bugs, charming.. And no, we have not been back ;)