Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Crotch Rocket Full Throttle

Crotch Rocket Sexual Stimulating Topical Gel

Crotch Rocket is a funny name for an extremely sensational product.  It is the ultimate, natural botanical blend, female stimulating gel. Crotch rocket gives you the perfect ending to a perfect day of riding.This carefully selected combination of Chinese botanicals and rich oils is blended into a potent gel for those most sensitive places.  After a beautiful day of riding you’re looking forward to an equally beautiful evening. Have you ever wondered why sex is a bit better after an enjoyable ride.  Riding a motorcycle is a sensational cornucopia of smells, emotions and physical sensations.  This causes a heightened awareness of all the senses and our senses are what we use when we enjoy each other’s company.  Simply put “Crotch Rocket” allows us to take that heightened sensation to a whole new level.When you’re planning your next romantic trip on the bike while you’re making those bed and breakfast reservations and packing that beautifully sexy negligee, don’t forget to take it to the next level.  Crotch Rocket sexual enhancement gel is small and concentrated and will fit easily in a jeans or jacket pocket.When asked, women who ride bikes have been heard to say “It’s like sitting on a big vibrator, so what’s not to like!”  Crotch Rocket Sex Enhancer allows you to take that stimulated feeling to the next level in the bed room.The reason it can be counted on to work well time after time is the quality of the ingredients. There are other products out there but they are made to enhance the everyday not to excite those that are already ride stimulated.Remember to sensually heighten the morning before and/or the night after the ride and use the only sexual enhancer designed especially for bikers because it has to work when you’re on the road.  Crotch Rocket was designed to fit in a small container, be concentrated and work like you need it to because there is no extra space on a motorcycle!

We all know that going to a rally means that you are unlikely to get a good shag from your partner due to him/her getting absolutely shit-faced but keep this Crotch Rocket in your pocket as we know there is a fair share of skanky Ho' pussy wandering around, looking desperate enough to let you have a good old rogering behind the beer tent for a tequila or two. This is where the Crotch Rocket really comes in handy, lather it on thick because chances are she's been rogered a few times already. My advice is to look for a relatively sober one, get in there early before she turns into the Grand Canyon and you have to resort to some bum lovin'. Below is a handy guideline based on extensive research.
  • 1 beer = warm up
  • 2 beers = small chat
  • 3 beers = start of flirting
At this stage she's going to stick around as she has finally figured out that you have a bit of dosh. She will start to smile more, try not to notice her yellow teeth or the slightly droopy eye and ignore the stain on her jean inner thigh. Although best to have a quick count which will indicate where you are on the cock ladder, if there are more than 4, start aiming for a blow job, even Crotch Rocket has its limitations.

  • tequila time starts now
  • 1 tequila = a steadier flow of laughter at almost every thing you say (don't hassle about the missing teeth, it's a bonus if you're aiming for the blow job)
  • 2 tequila =  a bit more touching, you can now put your hand on her arse and stare openly at her tits
  • 3 tequila = You can start pushing her to the back of the beer tent. This is a good time to watch her walk, if she's a bit bow-legged, definitely the blow job
  • 4 tequila = Don't waste your dosh anymore, you're just making it easier for the next dude
  • 5 = Get the Crotch Rocket out, quickly apply to member and start pushing Ho's head down. Be forceful if necessary, although this rarely happens as skank is now drunk enough to suck off an elephant.

This guideline should only take 15-20 minutes max. If it takes longer than that then you're gay.

Happy Crotch Rocketing. Half price on re-fills for a limited time only.

H.Ryder (Author)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, very funny Honey, had a good chuckle, made my smile for the fist time in my office today..
    I'm going to give you feedback on the Crotch Rocket, seriously.. I'm curious ;)



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